Landscape photography with 18-55mm lens?

I'm using a Nikon D3100 with kit lens 18-55mm lens. I was wondering if these lens is able to capture nice photography picture with the lens. I'm well aware that D3100 is an entry level dslr and good picture takes time to practice. I was just wondering if the lens is capable to do a good landscape photography.

Yes, as it has a wide angle (18mm) which is best for landscapes. In terms of sharpness/quality, its not the best but what do you expect? Its one of the cheapest nikkor lenses

Kenji, you need a better lens like a wide one. I suggest 17-40 or 27-40 wide. Go to any photo store and try one. There's a big difference between your entry 18-55 default lens and a good wide angle lens.

It's fine. Contrary to popular belief, you do not NEED a wide angle lens for landscapes You do if you want wide angle, dramatic landscapes, but ANY lens can be used to take a landscape picture. Telephoto lenses, for example, are great at compressing distance & picking out details in a landscape.
Your 18-55mm is fine. What is more important is a good understanding of lighting & exposure and a good sturdy tripod!
If you find you want/need to go wider than 18mm, that's the time to buy a wider angle lens.
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