Nikon SLR Cameras

Is this camera a good deal?

Lover of Justice
Lover of Justice

I really need to buy a new camera for my sister's wedding this Saturday, I just don't know what to buy and if it's a good deal. I had a canon sd1200 which i originally purchased for $269 at Costco and now it's going used for less than $50, so I really want a camera that won't depreciate so much in price.i'm I being unrealistic?
I want to buy a Nikon d3100. There's one going on ebay for $350, refurbished, comes with a lense and camera charger. Is this a good deal? And also there's the Canon rebels. But i'm not sure how I feel about those, too much variety makes me nervous.

Can you help in telling me if this is a good value? I want quality and durability at a low price

Ryan Humphreys
Ryan Humphreys

The Nikon d3100 for $350 sounds like a great deal. I my self would be a bit nervous that it is refurbished as I have had not the best experience with refurbished products and since on eBay it would think it would be a bit risky. Other times you can get a great camera that is refurbished it just depends where you get them from. Make sure you check the users ratings and things like that on ebay.
I would buy something brand new from a shop like best buy so I would have a warranty. Which may cost more but sometimes its worth it.

Cannon's Rebels are also excellent cameras and I have one my self.

Best of luck

Jim A
Jim A

There's no such thing as quality and durability at a low price - it doesn't exist. Quality is always expensive.

This is probably about right for this camera. Yes you are being unrealistic because cameras depreciate very quickly, much like cars. They just don't hold value when a new model comes out.


I would pay another $100 and get a new D3100

Gets me whole years warranty. Take good care of it and expect it to last a lifetime
No worries about it going obsolete, so no worries about depreciation
DSLR's hold their value remarkably well, exactly for this reason

That $350 refurbished does not sound appealing to me at least