Did I get a good deal on this camera?

Today, I bought a Nikon N60 (35mm camera) with a Quantaray 28-90mm lens at a thrift store. It also came with 4 Nikon filters. I got the whole package for $89. I don't really know anything about cameras, so I was just wondering if I got a good deal!

Not really. They go for 30$ on amazon

If it works, you haven't done too badly.

Its an Okay deal. But film. Is slowly going out so is really expensive to get processed.

Nope. Way too much for that camera and lens.
$50 would be pushing it for the entire kit.

You will spend more on film and developing than you would by buying a new digital camera for around $500.In my opinion, if you are letting a photo lab develop your film instead of developing your own, you might as well be using a disposable camera.