Is there any way I can get the effect of a fish eye lens without actually having the lens?

I want to take a picture of a broad street with this effect. The camera I'll use is a nikon d90 (i think!) i wondered if there was anyway to achieve this effect with a normal lens (i only know the very basics of using it), or through editing on photoshop.thanks!
Added (1). I tried the "spherize" tool on photoshop, but it doesn't distort the whole picture, only a circle in the middle. Is there anything similar to this that might work?

Not really and here is why.
The filters found in some photo programs can distort the image to give barrel distorting similar to that caused by a fisheye lens, but there's NO way you can cover the 180 degree field of view which makes a fisheye a fisheye.

There are fisheye adapters that screw onto the front of your lens where the filter goes. You just need one that will fit your lens, look inside the lens cap and it should tell you what size thread you have: 55mm 62mm, etc. Or it should also be on the outside perimeter of the lens.
Personally for what the good adapters cost, you would get much better images with a fisheye lens
link to lenses
Link to adapters

Use 'Spherize' but before you do, increase the canvas size by about 50%, then the fish-eye will apply to the whole pic. Crop afterwards to get rid of the border.