Nikon SLR Cameras

Is there any other way to take pictures of myself WITHOUT a swivel screen?


With a DSLR camera, lets say it doesn't have a swivel screen and i put it on a tripod or there, i won't know where to stand exactly in the right place, (my forehead might be cut off), is there any techniques to know where to stand instead of constantly looking behind the camera to know? Maybe a mirror on the wall? Nah that won't work… Any ideas?

I wish all DSLR cameras came with swivel screen like the nikon d5100.

No Gods No Masters
No Gods No Masters

I was born a tripod 8===D~0-:<

Gerald Cline
Gerald Cline

Frame the picture large enough to ensure you get yourself somewhere in the frame. Crop the image with editing software after the exposure is made.


What I do for self portraits is…

1) Setup the camera (with a shutter release) on a tripod
2) Setup lighting
3) Setup a spare light stand at face level where I will pose
4) Frame and focus the camera on the light stand and set the aperture for a decent DOF
5) Replace light stand with myself and take shot
6) Review shot and make any necessary adjustments.