Is there any camera better than the nikon d3100 but the same price or cheaper?

The Nikon D3100 is around $550 USD. It's a really good camera. Is there any other camera, (can be any brand) that is better than this but the same price or cheaper?


No. THe Rebel T3 is a few bucks cheaper, and performs almost as well.

Nikon D3100 14.2 MP professional SLR, its a great combination of every thing in one piece, priced at $600.00 or less in market with 2 years limited warranty. You can definitely buy it unless there are more upgraded models available in the market after a few months!
Pixels - 14.2 million pixels
Display - 3 inches, TFT LCD display with brightness adjustment
Lens - 10x zoom NIKKOR, 4x zoom digital, focus 50 cm and 1 cm close-up

It's a good entry level dSRL, but 550 US dollars is the bottom of the barrel for dSLRs for Nikon Canon and Sony Alpha. If you go cheaper, and still want new, you might find some NOS (new old stock) of older models, but then you might get fewer features, lower end performance, and the biggest one of all, you might get an image sensor that's inferior.
Look around on ebay or craigslist for used models.dSLRs like these entry level models drop in value really fast. With replacements coming soon for the D3100 and possibly the D5100, prices will really soften up for used, older models.

If you're looking for a brand new, very easy to learn on, most user-friendly dslr for beginners, then in a word, no. The D3100 offers the most features for the money on a beginners dslr, w/ the most helpful user interface, w/ the capability of later on using a wide variety of Nikon's lenses that are already on the market.

No. But for the same price you can also get Canon EOS Rebel T3
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