Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon D60 better than the Canon D60?


I have been shooting with my Nikon for about 2-3 years now and gotten pretty good use out of it. My grandpa recently bought a ton of used equipment off of an old retired friend who is going blind [he was a photographer his entire life] and there was a Canon D60 in one of the boxes he gave us.

Is the Canon better than my Nikon? I haven't used it yet, I'll test some lenses and do some comparison shots [I'm aware the lens is more important than the body but still] but if not then I may just sell it. What would be an appropriate price to sell the body for? Somewhere around $150?

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

The D60 is quite a bit newer than that canon so I'd say yes.

That Canon d60 is actually quite rare, I never even seen one. IF you got the box as well it may be an interesting collectors item by now.


First of all, changing camera systems is a very expensive plan, not recommended.

If the camera is actually a Canon D60, not the new 60D, the Nikon D60 is a much newer, thus better digital SLR. The Canon D60 is over six years old with much older technology than your current Nikon D60

Second if you are actually looking at a camera like the Canon 60D, you should be looking at the Nikon D7000 as the upgrade to your old D60. Not only will you be able to use the same lens(es) and accessories you have now, but the D7000 can auto-focus in the Full HD video mode (1080p) and the Canon 60D can't.

Here is a sample video from the Nikon D7000


Better is a relative word…

The canon D60 is about 4 years older than the nikon D60.

Even so, the canon D60 has one of smallest 'pixel pitch' (which apparently is a good quality to have). This has nothing to do with megapixels by the way.

But it makes more sense to keep the Nikon, since it's newer.

$150 sounds about right. I have the canon eos D30, which is the model just before the D60. Despite their age, both take beautiful pictures. They are a bit slow and outdated, though.