Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon D3000 right for me

Harry Cairns
Harry Cairns

I'm 16.Am an amateur photographer and am going to purchase a DSLR Digital camera. I have about £320 but can't really go much higher than that. I have looked at the Nikon D3000 on and it is £304. I think the camera looks fantastic… So should I get this camera or are there any alternatives. I'm not that fussed a getting different lenses at this point…

Any ideas and views on the Nikon D3000 or any Other camera which you think fir my criteria? Thank you very very much in advance, I have been checking out different cameras for about a month

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

The other option would be the Canon Rebel Xs.

Both the D3000 and Xs are good entry level cameras that should keep you happy for a good amount of time. Go check them out in a store to see which one you like better


The D3000 is my first DSLR, and its has taught me so much. For a beginner, it's an incredible camera.

See if you can find a refurbished camera anywhere - it'll cost less than a new one and leave you more money to save up for a next lens.