Is Nikon D3100 good enough for a photography beginner?

I'm interested in photography and thinking about to buy a DSLR to start… Someone told me this one is enough for a beginner. I just wanna know
a. How is your feedback of using this camera?
b.could give a link to your photos shot by D3100?
btw, I wanna use this camera for portrait & landscape photography. And I have no much money… Thanks in advance!

Let me put it this way: it might be too good for a beginner, unless the beginner is eager and willing to learn to use it properly. As for sample shots from this camera, they range from the truly admirable that have a professional look to flawed snapshots. It all depends on the skills of the person pressing the shutter release.

This camera is awesome for entry level, it actually has a guide built right into the menu so you can understand what each function (shutter speed, aperature etc) controls and how they affect your photos. Just remember its not the equipment its whose behind the camera that makes great photos. Keep at it and get some nice glass, you might even want to step down a bit so you can build out your lens collection

Yes, good choice.

Yes, I have just bought one. It looks really complicated which i'm sure it isn't but it will take some time to get to grips with as it has loads of functions so it's good enough for beginners, anything more upmarket wouldn't really be an entry level camera which is what you should start with.

Yes it's a fine entry level DSLR for a beginner. It has things familiar to point & shoot users (like scene modes), but is also a fully manual camera, so that when you become more familiar with the basics of photography (exposure, lighting etc) then YOU can take control of the exposure (rather than have the camera decide).
I don't have one (I have a D300), but my fiance uses one & he's pleased with it.
I don't have any pictures shot with it, but this is a link to the photo pool of one of the many Flickr groups dedicated to the camera;
Needless to say, the image quality is far more related to the users skills and the lens than the camera body, although the kit lens (18-55mm) that comes with it is fine for starters.

It's a great camera for a beginner! Want some sample photos? Go to and type in ' Nikon D3100 '. On that page will be sample photos sent in by people who own this camera.
If you take the time to learn how to use it, you can take magazine quality photos with the D3100.

That is a very good camera for you. If you have a little more money, get the D3200 because it's a newer version of that camera with better technology. Don't go by anyone's pictures, the photographer has much more to do with the results than the camera.

Yes, the Nikon D3100 is ideal for beginners, and will provide excellent quality photos and a good platform for learning photography.
Flickr have a page all about the D3100, including sample pictures.
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