Nikon SLR Cameras

Is cmos better than ccd?


Why is my Nikon L120 point and shoot better in taking pictures in low light than my D3100? Some say "because of the sensor" but also the aperture I would say. But in this specific case my L120 has a smaller aperture and still works great! Needless to say that they both do a great job and is really a toss up between them. But is cmos better or is it ccd?

Jim A
Jim A

The other way around.


Not really. CMOS sensors are just cheaper to make.

Actually CCD has some advantages over CMOS sensors

1) higher flash sync
2) when shooting video, there's no jelly effect like found when using CMOS sensors to shoot video.

In actual practice, you will see NO difference between the two.

Donkey Boy
Donkey Boy

The 3100 is much better than the PnS, you just have to figure out the required settings. You probably just have to bump up the ISO and/or bump down your shutter speed.