Info on DSLR cameras?

I'm getting into upgrading to a DSLR camera and I don't want to make a bad decision especially being on a budget. I'm looking at the NIkon d3100. Cheapest I've found is $579 with a cheap kit lens. I'm thinking about just buying the body and picking what lens I want. But I'm also debating on getting the Canon EOS Rebel XT. It's a downgrade from the Nikon but cheaper and will allow me to afford a better lens, not to mention my mom has a few Canon lenses she'll let me have. Also, the Nikon doesn't have near as many lenses that will work with it using the AF. Anyway, I need some advice on that.
Next question is that I found a website that sells used cameras. I need an opinion on the link I will leave. They seem dirt cheap which is great but leaves me skeptical. Also, I'm not too big in buying used items. Anyway Please help me out on this. Here's the link. Thanks!
Added (1). I'm upgrading from Point and Shoot. My budget is $500-$700. The webiste I listed has higher end "used" bodies for $200-$400.

Upgrading to a DSLR from P & S camera? Or old film-based SLR?
If you are upgrading from film-based SLR, the choice will be easy. Just carry over your lens collection and switch the body to the digital version of whatever make you are using now.
If you are upgrading from P & S camera, it really make not much different whether you go with Canon or Nikon. Both of them make excellent products.
I will suggest you look around your friends, which make and model that they use and go with them. This way you can get and share support among your friends and perhaps share some of the equipments too.
As for buying used camera online, I'm a bit gun shy for it. I still prefer to check the item out personally before paying for it.

I'm not familiar with that particular website, but when I upgraded to a DSLR, I bought a Canon 40D used off of eBay. It cost me about $700 and came with a 50mm 1.8f lens. I then saved more money and bought the 17-85mm and 70-300mm lenses.
I'm a fan of Canon, but both that and Nikon are good companies and you won't get a bad camera from them. I recommend not getting the kit lens because they are pretty crappy. Think about what type of photos you take most often (landscapes, portraits, macro, etc.) and then get a lens to fit those needs (the 17-85mm is an awesome all-around lens, I love it). The XT is good as long as it has all of the features you want. If you think you may want to shoot some videos with it, check out the T1i or T2i. They are more expensive, but not too bad because they're still consumer level cameras whereas the 40D or 50D are prosumer (halfway between consumer and professional).
Whatever body you decide on, it's definitely wise to put your money into your lenses. They are what will give you high quality photos, once you learn how to use them in combination with the body. Be careful though- once you start, it's hard to stop buying stuff! I've restrained and just asked for camera gear for Christmas. You might find you want an off-camera flash, a remote shutter release, and tripod is definitely something to think about, a camera bag to carry all of your stuff in, filters, lens hoods, memory cards, batteries, etc etc etc.
Whatever body you think you might want, make sure to go to an actual store and hold it before buying. DSLRs can be very bulky, so if you have small hands, some will be more comfortable to use than others. The XT is pretty small, but the 40D is kind of hefty for me, being a girl. Then, if you think the store price is to high, at least you know what camera you want and can buy online and know what you're getting.

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