I really want to buy the Nikon d3100 DSLR camera?

I really enjoy filming as an art and taking photos and I feel that this camera is the next step on my journey. The problem is I can think of no other way to get the funds for the camera outside of taking photos for people which I can't do without the camera itself. I'm here asking for suggestions. How can I raise the money to buy the camera. (Don't say get a job because I do have one. Just not one I can really buy the camera on.)

Curb your feelings. You are looking at the wrong camera. DSLR's do not use film. You already have a job. Budget and save. I bet what you wanted to do was video.

Ignore the pedants who tell you that it is digital not film. The are dinosaurs who haven't yet worked out that in common usage the words movie/film/video are interchangeable and synonymous. I bet when they were young they were told not to call them "films" they are "moving pictures"!
If you want the camera enough you will find a way.
You don't say how old you are so some of these answers may be irrelevant
Can you buy it on credit? That way you don't need the whole $$$ up front.
You have a job - how about geting a 2nd job? Work the weekend. Or get one that pays more.
Do you have anything to sell?
You won't get it on a plate - you will have to make sacrifices - but if you want it enough…

I just got a Nikon d3100 about 2 weeks ago. Great camera. I saved alot for it. If you are on a budget I recommend that you try buying it on Amazon. On amazon you won't have to buy it with tax… Or you an wait until Black friday which is approaching very quickly. They may have some great deals on the camera.
You can make some film/video on this camera but it only goes up to 10 mins and the video will have to be edited with editing software like Adobe Premiere. Good luck if you choose this camera. It's great.
Here are some video examples that show you how good the video quality can look:
You may also have to invest in lenses too if you want to do films/videos
Its alot of money but a very rewarding camera

1--DSLR's can't film anything, they are digital. If you "really enjoy filming as an art" you would appreciate and acknowledge this massive difference by respecting the technology you are choosing and maintaining the way we talk about and define our mediums.
2--If this camera is the "next step," that would imply you have taken previous steps. Why not try selling some of your work or doing some paid/commissioned work in order to fund the purchase? This is how professionals and those of us who are pragmatic work. If your current work has any merit, you don't need the new camera to do quality, sell-able work. If your current work does not have merit to warrant payment, just buying another camera may not be the solution you need to begin with. There are about a million cameras and lenses that I want but can't afford. I know that I do not deserve them though. And I will not deserve them until I earn that money by doing better, more sell-able work.
3--Sell unused photographic or other items on eBay and Craigslist.
EDIT: In response to being called a dinosaur, I happen to be 30 years old and work at a major television network. I have worked in film and television (yes, those are not the same thing either) for a decade. When I was 20 I referred to film as film and video as video also. But people certainly interchange the wrong terminology in the industry all the time. And those people sound like idiots to anyone who speaks in an accurate and professional manner. This industry is 100% technical. Therefore accuracy is 100% vital in order to communicate effectively.
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