I just got a Nikon d90 and I need to find a decent lens to go along with it?

I just recently picked up a Nikon D90 with a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8d Lens. I'm looking for another decent lens to go along with it, something with a decent or good zoom. I'm looking for good image quality and I'm looking to spend about 200 dollars. Can anyone help me? I've been searching online and so far I've come across a couple different lenses that have caught my eye. Nikon 18-70mm, Nikon 70-300mm, Sigma 70-300mm, Sigma 18-50mm. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Added (1). I should have stated. I plan on using my 50mm for anything that doesn't require a zoom. I wanted a lens that I can use to take pictures of animals, landscapes, etc.etc. I would use my 50mm for portraits, or anything that doesn't involve me being far away from the object.

The consumer lenses aren't BAD, but they aren't professional quality either. If that is what you are expecting, you won't get it for $200.
You really didn't say what kind of zoom you are wanting here and you have some really opposite numbers in what you have listed.
Do you want to be able to zoom on something far away or to get an image wider than your 50mm allows for and a little zoom-perhaps to that 50mm range?
I know nothing about the Nikon 18-70. I do know that most people aren't really overjoyed with the 70-300. The Sigma 70-300 isn't any better. Probably a bit worse quality/pretty even.
The Sigma 18-50 is an old, discontinued lens. I don't have any experience with it, but it might be nice to get as it's an f/2.8 lens. You'd have to really read reviews to see what the quality is on it. It goes from a very wide angle-you'll be able to get a LOT more in the frame-to the same focal length of the 50mm you have. No zooming in on stuff far away, but the fixed aperture lens would really push me toward it.

It may be a little more than you want to pay but I would highly recommend the Nikon 24-120 f3.5/5.6 VR zoom lens which I tend to use as a standard lens for a wide range of subjects; the UK price is currently around £500:00 but it is good value for money. A possible second best is second hand where the lens is priced around £200-225:00 but that would need checks on the internet and photography magazines.
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