I have Meade Solaris telescope and want to adapt to a Nikon d3200 does anyone know?

Meade Solaris is probably old technology was given as a gift in 2005. Now I want to attach a Nikon dslr d3200 and don't know how? Does anybody know?
Take pictures of moon, planets…

I've never heard of a Meade Solaris telescope. I think you probably mean a Meade Polaris, which was a 60mm refractor on an altazimuth mount. I see three main difficulties. First, you will have a hard time locating an adapter to mount the camera because this telescope uses a non-standard 0.965" focuser, rather than the standard 1.25", I don't know that anyone makes adapters for this size any longer. Try a large telescope store, Secondly, you will have serious balance problems with the mount because the camera is so much heavier than the eyepieces it replaces. You will probably need to install a counterweight. Finally, your telescope has no way of tracking the Moon and planets, so that you will either be limited to very short exposures, or will need to remount the telescope on a motorized equatorial mount.

A t ring converts the camera's lens mount, which is different for different brands of camera, to a standard screw thread. A t adapter goes into the scope's focuser and the t ring screws onto it.
Chances are your scope's mount won't have the stability to do long exposures, but you can hopefully get some nice pictures of the Moon. Just make sure everything's sturdy enough, you don't want the camera falling off!

Sorry, but this is a fool's errand. Meade Polaris scopes are basically toys. Odds are it would fall over under the weight of your expensive DSLR.
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