Nikon SLR Cameras

I have a Nikon D80 what settings should i use to take a great sunset picture?


I have a Nikon D80 what settings should i use to take a great sunset picture?


The D80 should have a specialist scene mode for this. Look for the landscape icon (the one that has a picture of a mountain range on it) on your exposure mode dial at the top of the camera, and choose that mode.

It is probably best to use a tripod or balance the camera on some solid, stationery surface, because you will be using a relatively long exposure (slow shutter speed) for this.

Finally, set the camera to under-expose slightly, by about 0.7 or 1 stop - this will ensure that you maintain the richness of colour in the sunset without sacrificing too much of the shadow.

That should do the trick.

However - If you want to set things up manually, here is what you do:
- Set the camera mode dial to "A" for aperture priority
- Make sure that your ISO is set to something low like ISO100 or ISO200 to ensure you get the best quality shot
- Now set your aperture to something like f/8 or f/11 (this will ensure that the whole scene is in focus)
- Set your camera to underexpose slightly as above

Hope that helps - check out for an explanation of the terms I used above. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions.


* Set your camera's white balance to bright sun so that the golden, orange and reds show up in the shot. Leaving the white balance on "auto" can negate some of those great colours we love in sunsets.
* Use an ISO that is no higher than 200.
* Let your light meter tell you what your exposure should be.


Here's an excellent post on "How to Photograph Sunsets -

It has examples, guide and even tells you which settings to use.

The site has so many more tutorials, tips and reviess!