I got d3100 nikon, its good but i don't find it to be as good as i want it to be.read more?

I want a cam that would have really good clearity of colors and be even good when zoomed. Which cam is good and something that won't be too costly in comparison to d3100.it could be little up price wise but performance should be good. Please help
Added (1). Or will a better lense (than the kit lense) make me feel fulfilled.cause i just find this cam really confining. I can't shoot moon closely or even little details of flowers.plus the images rn't really good without pc editing.
Added (2). Ahan… Dint look in to that.i;ll see thank you.
ok next then comes lense.
what lense is good for miniature insects or flower pollen etc? I know for moon and all we need 300 or 400 mm lense. Which 1 more close little objects?
What should i do abt lense?
https://www.facebook.com/...zRouhCliQs that my facebook page.

I have very vivid color from my d3100 have you messed with the color settings? There's one just for vivid colors and many other options

Trust me, the camera is not the problem.

Nikon D3100 should be good enough if you don't feel you are lacking some of the features you are looking for… For a beginner to start with… It's a pretty good camera…
As far as the clarity of colors… You might have to experiment with the device to get your best setting to shoot…
As far as the zoom us concerned… Yes, you need to buy a tele lens may be 70-300 or 70-200 with f2.8 or less…

Owning a DSLR doesn't auto magically makes you a better photographer. So you might just need to take time and learn to get more out of your camera.
One thing that will improve the image though is yes buying another lens. See the kitlens is just that a kitlens, they are build pretty cheaply because they have to be cheap. They are very decent but not super performers. Buying a nice new lens that get some great reviews and costs yes a bit of money. It is worth it. The image quality jumps up allot just by using a better lens.
Kitlenses are not terrible FOR THEIR PRICE. We talk about zoom lenses under $100 new… Something has to give. Clarity and sharpness can suffer!
So what lens to buy, depends on what you use it for. You can get relative cheap your hands on Tammy's, yes a third brand I know but they are not terrible bad. Their SP [superior] range is pretty darn freaking good for a small price. I own a Tammy 28-75 F2, 8 and for just $400 it offers allot. But its little brother 17-50 should be more suitable on the Crop Factor Cameras.
Of course you also can buy some nice Nikkor F2, 8 zoom lenses. Delicious.
Remember though buy the lens for your sought use.

If a camera would be able to take those vivid and beautiful pictures, why would we need photographers in this world?
There's nothing wrong with the camera, it's you who needs to learn how to operate it, and for that you need to learn and study a lot.

First, there's nothing wrong with the camera you have. The problem is you haven't yet learned to use its full capabilities. This site will help: http://www.nikondigitutor.com/eng/d3100/index.html Who better to teach you to use your Nikon D3100 than Nikon?
If you're interested in macro photography (insects or flower pollen) you'll need to buy a true macro lens. A true macro lens will give you a 1:1 (life-sized) reproduction ratio. If you photograph a 20mm long ant with a true macro lens the ant will be 20mm long on your sensor. You might want to look at the Nikon AF-S DX Micro-Nikkor 85mm f3.5G VR. (For reasons unknown to me Nikon uses "micro" instead of "macro") I tend to suggest a longer focal length macro/micro lens because it gives you a better working distance from bees or wasps plus it doesn't interfere with the light.
You're right about needing a longer focal length for pictures of the moon. Since any Nikon lens made since about 1960 (with a few very exotic exceptions) can be used on your D3100 why not consider a used 400mm or even 500mm Nikon prime telephoto? Focusing won't be a problem since all you'll do is set the lens to infinity focus. A tripod is definitely recommended. Another thought would be a telescope that allows you to attach your camera. If there's an astronomy club in your area contact them and they should be able to help you choose a telescope or maybe a member will allow you to use their telescope.
So continue reading and studying the Owner's Manual for your camera along with using the referenced Nikon site and you'll begin seeing improvement in your photography. These sites will also help you:
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