How to take a sunrise time lapse?

I have a intervalometer with me and i have a Nikon d3100. I been reading a lot but i want someone specifically telling me how to do it. What do i put the white balance on? Iso? What setting should i be on? I plan on taking this time lapse before the sun rise and want it to make it smooth. How can i avoid flickering also?

To get the rich reds, oranges and gold tones of a sunrise, you will have to manually set the with balance to bright sun. If you leave it in auto, the camera will try to remove those warm colours.
I shoot all my time lapse videos at ISO 200 and reduce the image resolution to approximately 2144 x 1424, better than Full HD, but small enough so I can get 1440 shots on one memory card.
Set you camera on a tripod and take a photo every one second until you have 1440 images. Then you will have a full minute of sunrise at 24 fps (fine) once you compile those images
Be sure to frame the shot to there's an interesting foreground and with the sun positioned in one of the "rule of thirds" spots. Place your camera in the shutter priority mode so that your exposure times are 1/2 second or shorter and let the camera adjust the lens aperture for you