Nikon SLR Cameras

How to protect my camera from humidity


I'm taking a humanity trip to the philippine (mountain jungle) area and I want to know how I can keep my nikon d3000 safe from the dampness and humidity. I don't want anything bad to happen to it. Any suggestions? Photographers out there, any ideas from past experiences you've had?

Jake Hinz
Jake Hinz

You could get a case and a screen and button cases that should protect it.

Not Me
Not Me

Don't change climates too quickly. If you go constantly from cool air conditioned rooms to the hot damp outside then the change in temperature and moisture will cause it to fog and then you're in trouble

Whenever switching from different climates or environments, put it back in it's bag, zip it up and only take it out again after 10 minutes or so, it's time in the bag will let it slowly acclimate to the new climate


Take a large freezer or sandwich bag. And some elastic bands,

Keep the bag tightly elastic banded aorund your camera until you need it.

Give it 15 mins to adjust between temperature zones.

Have your kit bag full of silica gel sachets.

Kills damp. Which kills mould.