Nikon SLR Cameras

How to open. RAW files?


Recently god a Nikon D3200 and I for the life of me can't open. RAW files in photoshop and I seem to can't find anything regarding how to open them. I changed the quality from Jpeg to Raw because of jpegs being compressed and usually looking fuzzy. Can anyone help me out here? How can I open these?

Added (1). Windows photo viewer will not open the raw files. I use Windows 7 x64

Added (2). I want to be able to edit them in photoshop as I'm pretty good with the program and know it fairly well. I don't want to have use another photo viewer to edit my pictures because photoshop is of course the best. If there's a way to convert them into png without losing quality, that would be awesome.


Have you installed the CD that came with your camera?


Those of us who shoot in RAW, mostly use Adobe Lightroom

The Win7 and Win8 operating systems can view RAW files using Windows Photo Viewer.


You can install View NX from your CD. That can open and covert the.nef files. It does not have the advanced editing of Capture NX (which would have to be bought).

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

You have a few options. First, what version of PS do you own? Are you eligible with that version to update the RAW converter? That's what you want to do first. Next, I take issue with your statement of photoshop being the best. It's the best if you want to add 10, 000 effects and if you want to use expensive software. Adobe's Lightroom is better in my opinion. Photoshop is like using a tank to kill a fly, and there's just something about lightroom that makes photos look great once you get a handle on it.

But just like Adobe's photoshop, lightroom needs to be updated to open the newest RAW files. If you can't update PS, just download the free 30 day trial of lightroom for now to open your RAW files.

Next is Nikon's software to open RAW files, it's not the best but you can make simple edits and save as a TIFF and then open in your version of PS. So use the disc that came with the camera.

You can also use Picasa from google, but it's basic, and there's a loss of image quality. I don't know why, but Picasa will open almost any RAW file out there, some that even photoshop and lightroom can't. I've noticed that when new cameras come out, Picasa usually comes to the rescue until Adobe updates all their different photo software.