Nikon SLR Cameras

How to make my shutter speed longer?


I have a Nikon D3000 digital camera and I was wondering if there was any way i can make the shutter speed longer than 30 seconds?


I have a canon rebel xti, but, from my experiences, most things like this operate the same.

my camera also only goes up to the 30 second mark. However… You can either hold down the shoot button or get a remote to hold down. Essentially… You're manually keeping the shutter open as long as you want.

just make sure your aperture can support that long of an exposure.


You have to buy a Nikon ML-L3 Wireless Remote Control
You can see it here:

By this, you can make long shutter speeds, up to 60 minutes, i think

Take Good Pictures!


Yes you can hold the shutter button down as long as you want to, But you have to make sure the shutter speed is set to the Bulb setting or "B" setting. Then the shutter opens then you press the release and closes when you let go.


First, you would need to make sure it is stabilized (preferably on a tripod, but you could use a table). Then you need to get this it is the shutter remote that will work with your camera. With it you can take up to 30 minute exposures. Your local camera shops should have them if you don't want to wait for it to ship.


If you set your camera to manual, the M on the dial, and turn the little wheel (or whatever you want to call it) up past 30 seconds, the next one up is bulb.set it to bulb and when you release the shutter, just keep it held down as long as you like, as long as you are holding the shutter release down, the shutter stays open.