How to do macro Photography with Nikon D60?

I bought the extension tubes and i have the screw on lenses 1+ 2+ 4+ 10+ I have the 18 to 55mm vr lens I have no idea how to set it up or exactly what to do can anyone help on what i'm suppose to exactly do?

Can't figure it out, huh?
The diopters fit on the front of your lens attached to the filter threads
The extension tubes (as implied) go between the lens and the camera body. Unless there are contacts to connect from your camera to your lens on the extension tube, you will have some problems metering your shots and for sure you will need to use the manual focus and exposure settings

I'm not the best to answer! No answer will be exact! I have a Nikon D60. I purchased a Tamron AF 90mm 1:2:8 Macro 1:1.lens.
I do have several add on filter gradation lens, but haven't really used them. I do use the Tamron lens. I have several nice macro shots, handheld. My distance from the subject is the critical fact.
If the macro lens you have is not giving you the image you want, you can add one or all? Of the gradation filters to the front of the lens. Maybe this will help? Extension tubes go behind the lens, and filters go in front. You can work it out!

The tubes need to be the expensive automatic type. IF they are the cheap, $20 or less manual type then they will not work with that lens. The screw on lenses go on the front of the 18-55