How much is my camera worth? - 1
It's a Nikon d3200. It works, but has a few minor glitches ie freezing when pressing the playback button. It has wax damage (long story not my fault) and that it's why it freezes. It has it's original lens and battery and charger. How much should I sell it for?
Ps it won't be very expensive to fix, I have a replacement so I simply don't need it anymore.
$ 450
No one wants to buy a broken camera for more than residual value. You probably are looking at $100 max for camera and lens in it's current condition. The lens is probably worth $50 and the camera $50.
Thing is, you can make the claim that it is inexpensive to fix all day long, but a prospective buyer will rightly be very skeptical… If it is so inexpensive, why have you not already done so?
That will greatly affect the price.
The lens is worth £50/$70
In its current state, the body plus battery, charger, leads about half that
Not worth a lot in that state.
Probably £50 to £80
If you have wax that has found its way into some of the buttons on the camera, then you need to have it cleaned.
Nikon does a "clean and adjust" service for under $250. That may seem like a lot for a camera that probably cost you less than $650 (without the wax), but for my $2,000 camera, it is just good insurance that the camera will last another seven years
Not very much…
Since you are honest enough to recognise and admit the problem you could stick it on ebay, declare the problems and sell it as seen for spares or repair. Realistically that's your only option.
A faulty entry level camera? About $50
Check ebay