Nikon SLR Cameras

How much is my Nikon F camera worth?


I have a Nikon F vintage camera. It's a film camera. I have no idea what its value is. It was just passed along to me and I have no use for it. So of anyone could give me some info about the camera that would be great. Much appreciated!


Not much
Used it's most likely like around $20-30 maybe 40 i'm not sure
Not worth as much as you paid for it or as much as you expected

John P
John P

That model of camera was THE photojournalists' camera when it was first around (introduced 1959, in use during much of the 1960s) so it might be a 'trophy' camera for someone, especially if it had a documented history of being present at famous events. So try for rather more than $50.It is probable that it is not in tip-top working condition now.


In the right quarters, quite a bit.

This is a classic and every collector wants one - look on ebay to give you a general figure and then take out a small ad in a photographic magazine (Amateur Photographer in the UK, but I'm not sure about other countries).

While film cameras don't generally fetch high prices, there are a few exceptions - it won't make you rich but you could get a couple of hundred from the right buyer.