How to add a copyright or watermark in-camera on the D5000?

A while back I came across a few tips and tricks for the Nikon D5000 by a popular photographer. I can't find it any longer. He gave a quick tip about how to add a "watermark" or name using a feature in camera on the d5000. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

You will have to look on your cameras menu for something called Attach copyright information.
That is where you enter the copyright notice and from that point on, it will show up on your metadata on each image you shoot.
Watermarks are added using Lightroom 3 or other photo programs.
From looking at the D5000 user manual, I do not see that it as an option on the camera itself, so you will have to do that in post or use the Image Comment and type in (c) 2010, Your Name, All rights 169

Not sure how it works on a d5000 but my d50 has a menu option that allows me to inout a comment like copyright Mike *** and attach that comment to all subsequent images. Theer's also a way to attach the info to the DNPR metadata coming from your images (look it up).

I'm not sure how to do that but there's a cheap software called i watermark you can get it is 20 bucks and will watermark your photos for you

You might be able to do it automatically as you download from camera to IT system.