Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take better pics with a nikon?


I want to be able to take the pics like the professionals when the object is super clear and the background is blurry… But i can't figure out how to focus it like that. I have a nikon D60…


Exactly the same way you would with ANY other dSLR.

You will need a fast, medium telephoto lens and shoot with its aperture wide open with the lens rather close to the subject.

It seems that you have not taken the time to take at least a beginning class in photography. This will go a l long way toward teaching the fundamentals of photography of which this question but one aspect to using a fully adjustable camera


The same way you take better pics with a canon, pentax or even a sony. Get a good lens and most importantly, a good theoretical basis in photography and experience.


The kind of Pics you are describing are called as BOKEH. You can get these kind of pics by using some of the Portrait lenses. Try using Nikon's 85mm f/1.4D lens. Also get some info about Bokeh photography so that you can shoot better pics.