How do I make Portfolio for Fashion photography?

I want to make my fashion photography portfolio but I don't have any contact of people or friends. And beside that Don't have so much fund to invest for hiring a models So is there any other option for making Fashion Photography Portfolio. Totally stuck at the middle of point
Thou I'm using my gear Nikon D7000 with 18-105mm VR lens DX format
Please suggest me any option.

You ask friends, relatives, and neighbors to model for you. Good fashion photography is all about making people and clothing look good. So do that. You will show good skill if you can make an attractive friend look fabulous or can make everyday people look interesting, yet still fashionable. Work with what you have. THAT is where a GOOD Photographer learns his trade and learns to excel.

So make your own collection of fashions, demonstrating your expertise, and take photos of them, either on maniquins or hanging on hangars, or even with you wearing them. It's kind of like Project Runway auditions.