Nikon SLR Cameras

How come my nikon d60 stopped transferring my pictures?


All of the sudden my camera won't transfer my photos to my computer or anyone else's computer. It worked find then one day it no longer did. Do you think something broke?


The simple way around all these problems is a card reader. I use them exclusively for upload.

Now, if a reader doesn't work - the computer still won't see the card, I'd say the card is shot - it

Try a reader. Even if you have to get a new card a reader is still the best and easiest way to upload.


Do what all of us have been doing for over eight years or so. Insert the memory card in a card reader. Either one that is on your computer or one you buy, a USB 2.0 card reader (under $10)

Nothing is broken. What has probably happened is your anti-virus program shut off the "auto-play" feature on your computer.

NOTE: Card readers can usually transfer image files faster than using the USB cord from camera to computer