Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take a picture in black&White on my Nikon D3000?


I havea nikon D3000, an di was wondering how can i put it to a setting so i can take the picture in B&W or SEpia? Asof no i have been applying the feature to a picture that i've already taken, but i want to be able to just take it in blavk and white!
P.S is there a way to take a video on the nikon D3000?


RTFM. (Read The F**king Manual.) Or join the Nikon group and ask there.


You will get better results by using an editing program to make a copy of your original color file and making the copy black & white. These articles should help you:

By making a copy of your color original and then changing the copy to black & white if you don't like the conversion you still have the color original. If you shoot with your camera set for black & white or sepia and don't like it you're stuck with it.


There's no feature to take pictures in B&W, sepia etc on the D3000. The only way to do this would be to use an editing program such as or Picasa (you can download it from google, just search it there). There's no way to take video on the D3000, sorry!