How to take a long exposure shot with a Nikon D3000?

So I just got a Nikon D3000 and I'm kind of new to the whole situation. Can I take long exposure shots with it? Where do I go to change the shutter speed?

How long?
You can take timed shutter speeds from 1/4000th to 30 second.
Exposures longer than 30 seconds, can be shot using the bulb setting and timing the exposure with a stopwatch.
For setting those shutter speeds, look on page 69 and 71 of your user manual

Need to know the following information:
- How long? The D3000 can be used in S-mode to a maximum of 30s, and beyond that in Bulb using manual exposure.
- What time of day?
- Prevailing weather conditions?
You will need a tripod, and it would be useful to have a cable release though this isn't as essential. During the daytime you will need a strong and filter, of around 8-10 stops.