How to take a long exposure night sky with the Nikon D3000?

Hi, could anyone give a step by step instruction on how to do this (set WB, focus, VR mode, etc.) to make it look the best for starry nights. I wish to take a long exposure shot of the night sky, maybe about 2-4 hours. Also, anyone know if this could damage the camera by taking such a long exposure?

Thirty minutes is the longest exposure you can make because the camera's sensor will otherwise overheat. For that reason, there's a limit built into the camera.
You also need to buy a Nikon ML-L3 IR remote. They are not expensive; under $15.
To take a long exposure:
2. VR off
3. ISO 100 (you do not want a lot of noise by using a high ISO)
4.exposure - manual
5.shutter release - remote
5.shutter speed - time (or bulb if you did not set the shutter release to remote).
6. With the optional ML-L3 IR remote; depress once to open the shutter.
7. When you are ready to close the shutter, depress the ML-L3 remote again.

Yes it will damage the camera that's why the shutter time is limited.
No, I would give you step by step, you can read that for yourself. Check your owner's manual on how to set it up.

If you want longer exposures, to get long star trails for instance, you can take several shorter exposures them stitch them together in photo editing software or in a dedicated app like