How big of a photo print can I make?

I want to get a photo print of this to put on my wall (I'm the owner of the picture)
I was wondering what is the largest print size I could have that still looks high quality knowing that I have a 16mp Nikon D7000
The image is in full quality of 16mp and I know
I would love to know the max of what I should do for this quality of camera (I know that I could get some pretty big prints with my old 6mp Pentax *ist even)

Only the lab will be able to tell you accuratly what the largest image can be.
Usually if a print is going to be as large as 4x6 feet, PPI can be around 150 ppi, since the viewing distance is far enough way so that any lost detail when viewed close will disappear.
Use the Image Size tool to view the native size of your print at 300 PPI and that will give you a good base starting point.
Take the image file to your photo lab and have them tell you the largest size print they can make. Many local labs found in chemists or department stores (Target, Walmart, etc) will send out the image file to be printing in sizes larger than 33 inches wide.

Contact a professional lab and ask them. They have software which scales your shot up and they will know what they can do.