Nikon SLR Cameras

Has anybody had success with a reversing ring for macro photos?


I have a reversing ring attached to my telephoto lens on my Nikon D60. I can open the aperture, focus on the subject and take a photo while the setting is on manual but then the photo won't appear on the screen of my camera when I try to view it. The screen is just black where the photo should be. Does anyone know what the problem is?

John P
John P

Look in your handbook, see if 'Live View' is only available with fully compatible lenses. You are basically using a 'manual' lens combination with a camera designed for 'auto everything' lenses.


You need to take a look on page147 of your user manual. The reversing ring qualifies as a non-AI lens, thus is not compatible with your camera

The most success I have had with the reversing ring is with lenses 24 mm to 50 mm for shooting close up.

Black certainly means under exposure and since your cameras light meter will not operate when any non-auto-focus lens is being used (on a reversing ring All cameras become non-auto-focus lenses) so, you will have to adjust your lens aperture and shutter speed until you get better exposures.