Nikon SLR Cameras

Good entry level DSLR for photos?


I'm looking for a good entry level dslr dedicated for photos.i'm confused with nikon d3100, 5100 and canon 1100d and sony slt a35. Please help me to choose one among these. I will be taking photos only. So need some dedicated features to take marvelous photos.


I wouldn't go with Sony simply because they don't specialize in cameras. Nikon has less problems that Canon from what I've heard by many people. I prefer my Nikon over my canon. I would go with the d5100 simply because it's a better quality camera than the d3100. Best of luck!


Any of these cameras will do what you are asking, if you invest time and effort in your skills.

I use this tool to compare cameras, perhaps it will be useful to you.

If you're looking for an endorsement, my daughter has the Nikon D5100 and is extremely pleased with it.


Drop the a35.It's an SLT not a dSLR.

For photos, any dSLR will do. They are all basically the same. I suggest get the most expensive you can afford for more satisfaction.


Nikon D3100 is good.


To take marvellous photos you need 2 b a marvellous photographer… Just a marvellous camera won't do.
That said, I would rather buy a good glass than buy a very expensive camera body.
Camera bodies are upgraded almost every year while lenses usually stay a lot more b4 they are replaced.
So my opinion would be to buy the d3100 and invest more money on lenses.


For me Nikon D5100 is a little bit better than the D3100 and the Canon 1100D/T3.

If this is your first time going into DSLR, then you might want to try either the D3100 or the Canon 1100D/T3.In terms of image and video quality, the D3100 is better than the Canon 1100D/T3.

Find out full review of the D3100 at


Just because Sony is also making other products it doesn't mean their cameras are bad… Canon makes printers, Nikon makes microscopes. None of that is cameras so that's really a bad answer.

The D5100 is the most expensive here and also the best, but for the price/performance nothing beats the D3100. A35 is fine but I can't comment on it as I haven't used it, though I prefer their latest models.

The 1100D is okay if budget is a serious issue and you still want something good.

Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -


You can go in for Nikon D5100 or Canon 550D