Nikon SLR Cameras

First photography photoshoot?


What would be the set standards for a first time customer photoshoot? I'm not pro and are currently shooting with an Nikon D3200, speedlight, 50mm 1.4 prime lens and a film minolta srt 101, my serious question would be where do I take my client? Its a hip hop themed photoshoot as he's a artist…


The best way to handle this shoot is to prepare thoroughly. Talk to your client and find out his expectations and a little about his background. Since you'll be learning on the job, make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to shoot. Plan ahead at least 15 poses you want the client to take and free-style around that framework. Shoot at different angles from the ground to on top of something shooting downward. Also make sure you capture detailed close ups as well as full length landscapes. Scout out at least 3 locations in advance. Look for areas that look like Urban settings that have a lot of texture such as brick walls, railings, train tracks or rooftops. Be as creative as you can. Reference old album covers for inspiration.