Nikon SLR Cameras

Fault in DSLR camera?


I have a Nikon D70 and a fault is appearing on my photographs. A small, bright red cluster of pixels (it looks like a little flare) appears in the upper right hand corner of the photograph, then a very thin vertical line extends downwards from that spot. The line is perfectly vertical, about one pixel wide and only extends down from this point- never up or across. The fault appears on every single shot. Anyone know what might be causing the problem?

Palmer Kaplan
Palmer Kaplan

High ISO causes "noise" and if that doesn't help then you may need a new lens. Go to your local camera store and check things out.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Sounds like sensor damage to me

sadly, you are probably no longer under warranty, unless you bought some sort of other warranty.

you are going to have to get it fixed, or get a new camera. Send the camera into Nikon and have them give you a quote on how much it would be to get it fixed/replaced. It will probably be a pretty penny.

Sorry, bad luck is all it really is.


Yeah, the sensor is bad (or at least, not as good as it was. I have a Nikon D50 that has that same problem, except that it's a green line on the lower left of the frame. Not much you can do except replace the sensor… And at that point you might as well just buy a new camera.

The good news is that while the D70 is a GREAT camera, it's still stone age technology in digital camera land so you are in for a pleasant surprise if you get a newer SLR!