Fast, autofocus lens for Nikon D40?

I currently have the 18-55 mm lens that the camera came with, but I'm looking for a fast lens that I can use with the D40 with autofocus. I was going to get the 50mm f/1.8, but apparently you can only use manual focus with it which I'm not accustomed to do. Something faster than the 18-55 mm lens, but nothing too fancy and expensive.
Does anyone know which type of lens I could get? I'm a budget as well, so anything that's in the cheap range.
Thanks a lot. Really appreciate it.
Added (1). I need a faster lens because the slower one isn't producing the quality photos I need. Even with the flash on, a lot of photos come out blurry. I figure with a fast lens the camera will be able to capture the image faster limiting the amount of blur.

Nikon af-s 35/1, 8

Any AF-S lens will do.
The "faster" the lens, the more expensive, so NOT cheap.
You did not tell us why you need a faster lens. I use a 18-200 mm f/3.5-5.6 lens for about 90% of my editorial photography and it works just fine.
You only "fast" option would be the AF-S 17-55 mm f/2.8 at $1, 540 to replace your current lens or the AF-S 50 mm f/1.4 at $485.
As you can see, fast = expensive.
I would suggest you learn how to manually focus your lens by practicing with your current slow lens. Look for the green dot on the lower left hand side of your viewfinder and then once comfortable using it, buy the 50 mm f/1.8
This will slow your shooting rate down and make you a more disciplined shooter

There's a sigma 18-50 f2.8 hsm and a built in motor (bim) version of the tamron 17-50 f2.8