DSLR Mirror? Nikon D50?

Like an idiot I just tried to clean my mirror… Hmm!
Just to put me as ease the Mirror is only what I see through the lens… Not the actual photo… OK the mirror is pretty clean just a few smudges but its worse than when I started… Eventually what could I use to clean the Mirror with out smudges… Thanks

In the first lecture of beginning photography, you would have learned to NEVER touch the mirror on a single lens reflex camera. Why? Because it is a special front surfaced mirror and can be easily damaged if touched by anyone but a skilled camera repair person.
You have three options.
* take your camera to a camera repair shop and have then clean the mirror - after it is clean, keep a lens attached to your camera to prevent any dust or other debris from getting to your cameras mirror
* ignore the smudges on the mirror.
* continue to attempt to clean the mirror until it is so damaged that it has to be replaced
I have an old Nikon F4 (circa 1989) that I have used extensively and it has never gathered any smudges on its surface.
It is a good time to suggest you place a UV or NC filter on your lens to protect it from smudges, sticky fingers, rain or flying mud. Cleaning the front element of a lens far too often, will eventually ruin the special coatings placed on the lens to prevent lens flare and ghosting. With a UV or NC filter on the lens, if you do happen to damage the filter, you are only out the cost of a new filter… Not replacement or repair of the lens itself.
I have a link that shows another useful characteristic of filters on a lens.
Instead of needing to replace or repair a $850 lens, all I had to do is buy a $90 UV filter and a $15 lens hood

You should never clean or tough the mirror. It's a very delicate item and the surface can easily be damaged.
OK, so it has some smudges but they won't affect the pictures you take.

You don't say what you used to clean the mirror, but there are kits designed to clean the mirror.
Now, I've only had my DSLR for 6 years, but I've never had any reason to clean it. You probably know how you got it dirty and know to not do that ever again.