Does anyone use a Nikon D3200?

I have a little problem with this camera! I got this camera as a birthday gift for my birthday the problem i have is how could i use the eyepiece? Most of the cameras i use i just put my eye by the eyepiece and it works this one it just shows me all black every time i put my eye by it, it doesn't show me a thing can anyone help me with this problem! Please!

You need to turn live view off. Your manual can tell you how to do this.

It sounds like one of a few things could be going on.
1) the obvious, you have the lens cap on.
2) The mirror is locked up
The "eyepiece" is called the viewfinder and if you take it into a proper camera store, they can show you what is wrong with the camera or your technique.
Since this D3200 is one of the new advanced Nikon dSLR camera it should be working just fine, better than the older version Nikon's
You can also call Nikon 800. NIKON-UX and have them help you.