D7000 Aperture and Autofocus don't work?

Okay so my Nikon D7000 has recently been having huge troubles with focusing and now it just doesn't even try to focus! Also; no matter what lens I use (Whether it's an old manual or newerish AF), the aperture control doesn't do anything! It always says 3 and sometimes jumps around between 2 and 3 VERY rapidly. Even though it says 3, when the camera's shutter activates, the aperture always closes to it's smallest level. What do I do?

If you haven't abused your camera by dropping it or getting it wet send it to the nearest Nikon Authorized Service Center and have it checked out. If its still under Warranty there won't be any charge. However, there will be a charge if its been abused.

Set your camera to Auto or A.
If the problem is still there try cleaning the contacts on the body.
Set the focus switch (On the side of the camera) to auto focus.
If that switch is set to manual it will not even try to focus.
Also make sure the focus on the lens is set to Auto or A or A/M.
Reset you cameras setting to the factory default.
That will remove a huge amount of possible problems.
If the lens is an old Nikon AF lens set the aperture ring to the highest setting like f/22 and set the lock. If that does not fix it you may want to take it to a camera shop.

I'm not sure if you have fixed your auto focus issue but I have the same problem on my D7000 and after scouring online nikon forums and tried all the recommendations (it's not any of the 'normal' settings you find in the camera manual), what worked for me and hasn't been mentioned here was to remove the lens and replace it, but… Press the lens mounting button only as you're inserting the lens' bayonet mount into the camera body, release the button as you're turning the lens so that the resulting friction aligns the little "teeth" on the lens with the grooves inside the lens mounting hole on the camera to establish the connection.
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