Nikon SLR Cameras

Canon 600D (T3i) vs Nikon D5100?


I'm looking into getting a DSLR camera and I'm trying to decide which one would be best.It'll be my first one and these seem to keep popping up with good reviews.
Now, right off the bat, I would go with the Canon 600D but the price seems quite steep. How does it compare to the Nikon D5100?
I will be using it for both photo and video.


Check out the website below for a detailed comparison.

Based on pure numbers, the D5100 wins BUT it may not be suitable for you. Try both. Hold each in your hand, navigate through menus and take a few shots. One will feel more right to you than the other. Also, the D5100 tends to be a bit cheaper. In the end, both will take amazing photos with the right knowledge and both are best used beyond the auto settings. This Nikon has a in-lens focus motor which means that some older Nikon lenses won't autofocus. Not a huge deal generally speaking. Good luck, you really can't make a bad choice here.


You can go with Canon 600D (T3i).


Here is how their sensors compare, it that is an important factor to you

The D5100 also has an articulated screen


I think the Canon EOS 600D Digital SLR Camera is the best for the moment and for me, even the price is acceptable but you have to choose.


You can't go wrong with either one- they both take amazing photos. I just recently bought my first DSLR and happened to be stuck between those same two cameras, and ended up going with the d5100 because I went to my local camera shop, tried out a bunch of cameras, and liked that one best. It's all personal preference though- testing the cameras out yourself will help you a lot more than what people on the internet have to say.