Which would you choose, Canon T3i [600D] or Nikon D3200? Also why?

Which would you choose, Canon T3i [600D] or Nikon D3200? Also why?

The Nikon D5100 wins it for me… The D5100 has the same sensor that the Nikon D7000 uses and that was thought to be the best enthusiast level camera that Nikon ever made…
I use a D5100 and it delivers great results… Most cameras offer great quality and you should really do a lot of research before deciding which camera is best for you… Read books, magazines and internet reviews… Watch reviews and comparisons on 'You Tube' and then pop into your local camera dealer and try handling the different brands and models just to make sure that you are comfortable with what you 'fancy' and that its a good 'fit'.
Just because something works great for me or anyone else… Doesn't make it the best choice for you.

The Canon T3 series (T3, T3i) is becoming fairly ancient these days. The Nikon D3200 is a much newer design and has newer technology… Go with the Nikon.

I'd get the Pentax K-500, because it meters with my MF lenses.
If you like to shoot video as well, maybe the Sony A-58 is better for you.
Find a dealer, look at All the alternatives, handle them, and choose the one that feels best in your hands.
Of course, if you buy Sony or Pentax, people might think you have a working brain, but I could live with that.

I will choose Nikon D3200 because this model is compare to be advance and offer better features and functionality.

I would choose the Nikon for me, mostly because I'm a Nikon fan.
However, to advise someone else, I would start with this site's comparison.
Be sure to scroll down to the advantages of each. The D3200's advantage in dynamic range is important to me; keeping more details in high and low lighted areas of a photograph.

Why? I'm more familiar with Canon, it has an articulating LCD and has fewer working issues with older or 3rd party AF lenses.
Now Nikon D5200 would be a different matter, but I'd stick with Nikon lenses.

As you can "see" by my cartoon that I wear glasses, The Pentax DSLR's are easiest for me to see through/ In fact I recent found out that I can push my glasses backon my head and the adjustment on the eyepiece will compensate for my vision so I can see the entire viewfinder!
Personally there's a wider selection of used lenses out there, that dates back to the film camera days for my Pentax. The camera is capable of this due to the fact that the stabilization feature is build into the camera body, not every lens you buy like the other 3 DSLR brands.
I would start with the just released Pentax K-500 going for about $450.00!

Personally, i love nikon Way more. Mainly because the settings are extremely easy to adjust very quickly. All you need to do is press a button, and turn a dial. While with canons you actually have to go into the settings and adjust them. These are both great cameras for a novice DSLR photographer. I have the canon d3100. I have taken wonderful photos with my canon. I have compressed them to jpeg because the raw photos take up 13 mb. The photo below is of my cat, i took it on manual mode. Another thing Canon settings are easier to adjust because the menu, and also, if you want the quality of a DSLR, in a small punch. Go for compact system cameral.