Can't Plug Camera into TV?

Please! Answer this! I really need help! I have a Nikon D3100 DSLR and Everytime i plug in the AV cord nothing happens and it makes a buzzing sound on my TV! DOes ANYONE know how to fix this? Please! Thank you!
Added (1). I also tested it on MANY different TV's

That sounds like a nice camera its probably your tv

Did you select a video image in your camera and press the PLAY button? Or, are you attempting to erroneously play a photo image? Do you have it connected to the TV properly? Is the YELLOW video plug connected to the VIDEO IN socket on the TV? Are the RED and WHITE plugs connected to the AUDIO IN sockets on the TV?
As far as the buzzing sound goes, try turning the sound on your TV down until the buzzing can no longer be heard. If that doesn't work, try plugging the camera into a different wall socket (If you are using AC power instead of the camera battery).
Also, try moving the camera further away from the TV when attempting to play videos.