Can I make Money taking Pictures?

I have a nikon d3100 with 4 different lenses. I'm currently 14 and I'm been using my d3100 for a year and I've gotten really good! Is there anyway i can make money by taking pictures because i need a way to make some money for my golf clubs! 10 points!
Added (1). Also check my page put on Facebook Gregs Photography! Tell me if any of them could be worth it! Http://

Yes. It 's called photography.
Make a company or take fantastic pictures and sell them.

You will make alot. I took a picture of niagara falls, i sold it to a casino up here for 650$

Of course you can but don't think you will get tons of money your photos have to good and in HD resolution you have to show creativity here you go two sites which you can register and start selling your photos

Not easy, but you can try photographing your golf companions

That depends on what you shoot. Some people will pay top dollar to get the negatives in order to insure that their spouses never see the photos.
Paparazzi sometimes do well too.
Selling to the magazines doesn't pay as well but at least you can hold your head up higher.

If your friends and family have said you are taking great photos, they are probably lying…
you can try selling your photos, but you are unlikely to make much money… There are too many people selling that there's a glut in the market…

You can:
try uploading pics and selling products on Zazzle or cafepress
Sell prints on Criagslist
You can also sign up and sell on Shutterstock.
You can sell your images at,, or

Not with the images you have on FB - they are poorly composed, with basic exposure problems and the bird shots are not in focus.
To make a living from photography you need very good photography skills & even better business skills - you need to work on the first! Don't worry though - at your age you have plenty of time to learn.

Quite simply NO - not yet
To be able to sell photographs you need to be able to at least get them in focus.
Most of yours are terrible.
A few years more practise and education and who knows.

Not yet. Honestly your photos on your page are all out of focus and poorly exposed. It doesn't look like you currently possess the basic skills needed to make money with your photography.
Maybe if you keep practicing, somewhere down the road that will change.