Nikon SLR Cameras

How to capture Lightning images without using Tripod and Shutter?


I have a camera Nikon L810 and want to click Lighting images… But I'm not able to click images…

BNP Paul
BNP Paul

Without a tripod? Easy, just perch your camera on something stable and use a cable release.

Without a shutter? Well your camera has a built in shutter, without opening it you will not be able to take any kind of picture because no light can get in.

I think you might want to reword the question.


It is pretty hard to take a photo of lightning either without a bulb function, ability to open your shutter for up to 30 seconds, or a cable remote release.

All of these are beyond the capability of your camera.

And you need a tripod.

This is extreme photography - hard enough to do with a DSLR. But with a Nikon "L" entry level compact camera, it is all but impossible.

Point & Shoots are designed to be Point & Shoot, without any need to do any setup or know anything about photography. This is one time when that will work against you.

If you get a good shot, it will be sheer luck. They say - give a monkey a typwriter and a million years and it will write a novel. That is about the level of challenge you are up with.