Best way to take action shots at a volleyball match with a Nikon D50?

I have to take some pictures at a volleyball match but when ever I try they are always blurry.(Remember no flash can be used during a match, but its well enough lit to get a good picture.) I have a Nikon D50 with a 200mm lens and a 18-55mm lens. What settings should I use and which lens?

The blur is from the fact that your shutter speeds are too slow. With the lenses you have I doubt you will get a fast enough shutter speed without jacking the ISO through the roof. Your best bet is to use a lens with a F2.8 or faster aperture. The F5.6 on the lenses you currently have simply does not let in enough light. An F2.8 lens lets in 4x as much light as a F5.6 giving you a shutter speed that is 4x faster.
F2.8 lenses are not cheap but they are the only way you can successfully shoot indoor sports.

Set to at least ISO 800. Set to aperture priority then choose lowest f/number. Take an action shot. If there's no blur, try lowering ISO and test again. If still there's no blur, you're good to go. If blur occurs, increase ISO. You are trying to balance speed with grain. Just change lenses depending on what you want to take. If closeup shots at the net or at serve, use the 200mm. If you want a wider angle to include even the action of the crowd, use the 18-55mm.

I think you should go with Nikon 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S DX ED VR Nikkor Wide Angle Telephoto Zoom Lens for Nikon DSLR Cameras
Technical Details
AF-S DX Nikkor 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens
Designed For Wse With Nikon DX Digital SLR Cameras Including The D40, D60, D80, D90, and D300
24-128mm Effective Focal Length for APS-C Sensor Cameras
Vibration Reduction Allows In-focus Shots with Longer Exposure Times (up to four shutter speeds slower)
Ideal For Wide-Angle Shots and Portraiture

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