Are they still selling Nikon D40, D40x, or D60 DSLRs at Hidalgo Quiapo? For how much?

I know they're old cameras but i really want to buy one of these, especially the Nikon D40. I don't have a big budget since i'm a student.

All these models are discontinued and can probably only be purchased used. The newer D3000, just recently discontinued or a new D3100 would be an excellent substitute with a nice assortment of additional features.

Not a good idea to get one of these. Rare to find a new one. If one of these models is used, it is a few years old. Since D-SLR's are fragile instruments and are likely to break, you are taking risks.
The US prices of the new D3000 is $500 and the D3100 is $700 (recommended) your best bet is a D3000. (I assume you know how to use the shopping comparison sites)