Am I any good at Photography?

I'm 14 years old, and I bought a Nikon D90 a year or so ago (but I have been taking pictures before that, with a less-professional camera) and I'm just wondering if you think that I have any potential?
I really love photography, and I think it would be amazing to be able to travel around the world to amazing places and take pictures for magazines (National Geographic) or something!
There are just some of the pictures that I take.

Wow… I love the eyes. Really nice and clear. Some pics are a little too dark but you have a great eye for color and composition. Just watch your exposure and the cropping bcause some pics are a little off center and it bothers the eye.
Aside from that. Go for it. National Geographic would be a nice place to land a job although slightly dangerous.

Yea i like it

Jesus! You are fantastic… You have a great up your portfolio. Try all types of stuff.portrait, still life, action, wedding, baby. And someday when i pick up time magazine ill say i've seen this artists work before, cos it will be you!

Your are pretty good… You need some practice but you definitely have it in you… Ex: in this pictures you might wanna line up the horizontal lines from the bench/walls parallel to the edges of the photo

There's nothing much wrong with the images I saw in your portfolio - I don't know what others meant by some being too dark; it doesn't look that way on my monitor, and thank goodness you have avoided the amateur's placement of the subject right in the middle of the frame - getting it off center (especially placing important elements on or nera the intersection of thirds) adds dynamic tension and interest.
Your age is in your favour - talent is not the most important thing you need to become a professional photographer (but you do need talent) - you need the right attitude, patience, determination and skill. Skill is talent guided by knowledge. It is not much good being able to take a good photo if you can't do it on demand, time after time. It is no use being able to get the photos you find interesting if you can't get the photos your clients or employers want.
So, get some training: join an active camera club, get onto a more knowledgeable community of photographers ( is good, and they have a group of 'togs your age, too) and start going to seminars and training sessions.
Plan to do photography at a college level, and consider looking for a working photographer in your district who would let you assist (don't expect to be paid for the privilege - it is a chance to learn).
Remember to get business training as well as photography training and you will do well.

You've definitely got an eye for photography. Keep up the good work!
One of your photos inspired me to write something. That's how you know a photo, regardless how "fancy" it may be, is a good one.