Nikon SLR Cameras

42x HD Super Wide Angle Panoramic Macro Fisheye Lens for Nikon D3100?


Hi, I'm an amateur when it comes to photography but I really enjoy taking pictures!
I want to step it up a notch and I'd like to buy a fisheye-lens. Not an expensive one though!
I've found one on Amazon: the.42x HD Super Wide Angle Panoramic Macro Fisheye Lens, but I'm not sure it'll fit my 18-105mm lens… Because on Amazon it says it fits 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 50mm. So does that mean that this fisheye-lens will fit my lens? I really hope so, that would absolutely make my day!


Sounds like it would be Really bad quality if it attaches to the end of a standard lens. I would suggestion a rokinon 8mm ultra wide if your set on "fisheye" effect. See source link.


The 0.42x fish-eye is actually a convertor lens; very similar to the macro-convertors that are available at similar price-range.

These simple-pieces of glass increase the coverage of the lens already attached to your camera slightly.

For more dramatic wide-angle photography, you should invest in a dedicated wide-angle lens. Tokina makes excellent expensive ones. Samyang / Rokinon make very good economy ones (manual focus and aperture).


Any time you see an add-on lens, it is really a filter and when the company says it will fit certain lenses, that means that those lenses have the same filter thread size. 52 mm is the common size for the lenses you mentioned, however, if you have any doubts, you can go the the Nikon website and look at each lens to see the filter thread size.

If you really want or need a macro lens, save your pennies and buy a real macro lens like the Nikkor AF-S 60 mm f/2.8 macro or if you are on a budget, the Nikkor AF-S 40 mm f/2.8 macro lens

Fisheye lenses are rarely used, but when you need one, you need one.

For under $250 you can find decent (real) 8 mm fisheye lenses on Amazon.

Unless you do not mind the poor quality produced by add-on filters, just save your pennies until you can buy what you need. The above listed lenses will last you for decades and you will be able to use them as you upgrade to a newer camera in three to five years.