Does anyone own a Targus Crave 15.6 inch slipcase? Is it any good?
I have recently purchased a Targus 15.6 inch / 39.6cm Crave Laptop Slipcase, and would like to know if it was worth the money? (I bought it on eBay so I haven't got it yet). So can someone tell me if the case is durable, resistant blah blah blah etc… Is the case itself good overall, comfortable to carry…
I have one that fits 10" lap tops, and have been very happy with it.
They sell them at your local Target.
Always best to ' hold ' before buying though. A while back I had the chance to get a Nikon camera bag that was about $25 cheaper than it was at Walmart. But when I looked at it at Walmart, it wasn't a deal even at
the lower price. I passed.