Do VR lenses on Nikon really make a difference?

I'm buying a Nikon D5200 brand new today for $650, but I also have the option to buy one for $670 with the VR lens. It's not that much of a difference, but I'd rather pay as little as I can for the best quality. Is the VR lens Really worth it? Or should I pass?

It's more useful on a longer (telephoto) focal length lens, as it allows steadier holding & therefore you can get away with slightly slower shutter speeds.
It pretty pointless on anything mid-range or less in terms of focal length.

It's very useful with hand held video. If the lens is wide enough, as in 18mm and you use VR it will really hide hand movement when you're shooting. I know because I do that all the time with my Canon.

I guess it is.
I use the VR on my 18-200 mm lens I use when shooting editorial assignments. I find it useful when shooting indoors with a flash is not going to get the shot I need.
On the other hand, when I shoot sports, I keep the VR off since I'm shooting at shutter speeds of 1/500th second or faster, so I don't need VR
If you hold the camera as shown in the user manual, you will find that your shots will be better than you might think. For $20, get the VR.